Les chansons interdites qui dérangeaient les pouvoirs en place | CHLOE & BAPTISTE BIERI | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2019 - Rethinking Power

Discover forbidden songs because they disturbed the powers in place. Who said that music and art are only there to entertain us? Did you know that many songs were banned at the time because they disturbed the powers in place. Between musette and swing, Chloé and Baptiste Bieri make us discover songs that, each in their own way, were sources …

SAM and the day after | Area Jeune Ballet | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

“Samsara” means the idea of cycle. The cycle of life. It’s about movement, it’s about transmutation. To move from one place to another. It’s about life and death as well. It’s about birth but also decay and death. Life and death become the cycle of life. SAM (short version of Samsara) has his roots in Indian music. I work mainly …