Adolescents: Should we trust them? | Mathilde Chevee | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

Individualistic? ego-centric? Selfish? constantly connected. Can we trust the millenials and post millenials to run our future? Working with young people has been a life changing ex-perience. It just requires a mindshift and mutual trust. After 15 years in management positions in Marketing and Innovation in major telecommunications groups and aerospace, Mathilde is now dedicated to the prevention of risky …

SAM and the day after | Area Jeune Ballet | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

“Samsara” means the idea of cycle. The cycle of life. It’s about movement, it’s about transmutation. To move from one place to another. It’s about life and death as well. It’s about birth but also decay and death. Life and death become the cycle of life. SAM (short version of Samsara) has his roots in Indian music. I work mainly …

An unlikely superhero | Lutz Weischer | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

Shouldn’t those responsible for climate change — wherever they may be — be the ones who bear the costs of the necessary protective measures? Lutz Weischer tells the story of Saúl Luciano Lliuya, a farmer and mountain guide of the Peruvian Andes, who decided to fight against one of the biggest injustices and threats that the world is facing today: …

The future is in business as commons | Samantha Slade | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

The future is in business as commons. In a world where business models are changing and even the traditional notion of work has lost its fit with current paradigms, Samantha Slade an innovator and pioneer in organizational and business models will present a new organization mindset focused on compensation as conversation, co-governance and sharing and collaboration. Samantha is driven by …

Let women be the shapers of the future | Narjis Hilale | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

By the time we reach gender equality in the workplace, robots will most probably rule the world. Artificial Intelligence is coming soon, much faster than gender equality in the workplace. So it is crucial that we start thinking about how Artificial Intelligence should and could benefit all of humanity, by having women fully integrated in the Artificial Intelligence discussions and …

It’s time to build our own Internet | André Staltz | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

The world is beginning to learn about problems of the smartphone era that affect everything from our minds to our politics. But the smartphones are not to be blamed. The infrastructure of the Internet, often hidden from our sight, provided the technological foundational for the problems we are seeing today. It is possible to build an alternative Internet made with …

The Sausage of the future | Carolien Niebling | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

The sausage is one of mankind’s first-ever designed food items. A paragon of efficient butchery, designed to make the most of animal protein in times of scarcity. Now, again in times of protein shortage, a molecular chef, a master butcher and a designer have teamed up to look into sausage production techniques and future potential ingredients to design the sausage …