It Stinks — Clean It Up! | Amy Meek | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2021 – The Tide Is Rising

Along with her younger sister Ella, Amy Meek is the 18-year-old cofounder of the environmental charity Kids Against Plastic. After studying the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in 2016, the sisters were motivated to address the global issue of plastic pollution, seeing the devastating impact humans’ misuse of plastic was having on the planet and the potential plastic legacy set to …

Learning from nature’s stewards: a cryptocurrency to reverse deforestation | David Dao | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2021 – The Tide Is Rising

Although only 5% of the population, Indigenous Peoples protect more than 80% of our planet’s biodiversity – but they struggle finding funding. The Kayapo people, an indigenous tribe protecting the largest continuous tropical forest area in the Amazon, have an evocative word for money. They call it piu caprim — the ‘sad leaves’. Money has in the past motivated illegal …

Divers vers verts un peu sévères sur nos travers | Florent Mariaud | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2021 – The Tide Is Rising

Flojito, journaliste, slameur et militant climatique de 30 ans, dévoile à travers son parcours le rôle crucial de l’art engagé dans l’avènement d’une conscience écologique globale. Il nous raconte comment sa rencontre improbable avec la poésie lui a fourni une corde pour s’extirper du trou creusé par des années déco-anxiété. Fort de son vécu, Flojito prône que l’art engagé est …

L’éco-anxiété, ce formidable tremplin vers l’action collective | Léa Geindreau | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2021 – The Tide Is Rising

De plus en plus de jeunes déclarent souffrir déco-anxiété, et avoir du mal à se projeter dans l’avenir en raison des dérèglements climatiques. Mais aujourd’hui, au lieu d’être paralysante, cette éco-anxiété peut être un moteur puissant pour passer à l’action. C’est le cas de Léa, activiste climat, qui milite pour la justice climatique et sociale. Qui participe à construire le …

Retiring farmlands to put carbon back where it belongs | Stephen Bell | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2021 – The Tide Is Rising

There is no better evidence of humanity’s impact on Earth than the billions of hectares of land we have converted from natural vegetation into agriculture. While these vast expanses of croplands and pastures have fed the world, the once fertile soils below them have become degraded, depleted, and tired. The loss of carbon previously stored in these soils, in addition …

Why we can’t fight climate change but can tackle the climate crisis | Susana Hancock | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2021 – The Tide Is Rising

What does language have to do with the climate crisis? Can we change our reality by simply changing our words? How have global institutions, like the UN, called for urgent ‘code red’ action for decades without meaningful response? Cognitive linguistics is a branch of linguistics that combines knowledge from neuropsychology, cognitive science and linguistics to understand how language interacts with …

Reach for the sun: the bacteria way | Dimitrios Terzis | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2021 – The Tide Is Rising

Millions of years ago there existed some bacteria which tried to reach for the sun. And they made it. Living in deeper waters they photosynthesized under very low sunlight. So, they tried to get closer to the surface, where there’s more sunlight to harvest. And during their efforts they developed mutations to produce minerals and build rocks that would bring …

An unlikely superhero | Lutz Weischer | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2018 - And the day after?

Shouldn’t those responsible for climate change — wherever they may be — be the ones who bear the costs of the necessary protective measures? Lutz Weischer tells the story of Saúl Luciano Lliuya, a farmer and mountain guide of the Peruvian Andes, who decided to fight against one of the biggest injustices and threats that the world is facing today: …