From Ebola to COVID-19, epidemics are fuelled by fear and misinformation. Vaccines are refused; people protest unwanted public health measures; and in the chaos generated by traditional and social media, viruses keep spreading. So, how do we fix a global response system for epidemics in which many citizens all over the world have lost trust in politicians, scientists, media and …
L’observation scientifique bienveillante peut sauver des vies
L’observation scientifique bienveillante de nos enfants dans leur évolution, leurs gestes journaliers, exige un temps d’arrêt en pensées et actions; véritable défi, dans cette société trépidante, mais qui en vaut la peine. Elle peut sauver des vies à tous les niveaux ! Evelyne Kinder a développé cette capacité avec une grande acuité, dans son combat pour sa vie et celle …
La musique est toujours sincère
Le crédo de Maria, c’est la sincérité. De chercher la sincérité. D’assumer quand on n’est pas sincère. Pourquoi ? Elle pense que si on n’est pas sincère, on est dans vide. Elle trouve que c’est prétentieux, car on pense résoudre quelque chose en évitant la sincérité, alors qu’en fait sans sincérité on se perd. Dans la musique, la sincérité s’exprime …
The Uncounted: The people left out of health data
Data is increasingly important in planning and decision-making, but data can also be biased and shaped by our assumptions and gaps in knowledge. When this gap-filled data is plugged into algorithms, it can amplify existing forms of discrimination. For example, the global HIV response is being undermined by the fact that many governments deny the existence of the key populations …
Pourquoi l’école casse le dos de nos enfants
A l’instar des adultes, les adolescents ont désormais couramment mal au dos et à la nuque: certaines études indiquent que 30% des jeunes déclarent avoir mal souvent, ou tout le temps! S’agit-il là simplement d’une fatalité, d’une signature de notre époque contre laquelle nous ne pouvons rien? Ces douleurs sont en fait intrinsèquement liées à nos habitudes, conscientes ou inconscientes, …
Football can change the world, but we need to change football first
Football is by far the most popular sport in the world. It is a game for all ages, cultures and backgrounds. Especially young children embrace football, because it is an accesible sport and it provides the possibility to move, to express oneself and learn to work together. However the adults involved in the game, coaches and parents focus on the …
Where would you like to land ? | YEMI BABINGTON-ASHAYE | TEDxGeneva
Large protests are transforming our societies. Are the apparent divides forming in societies – as disparate as India and France, Brazil and Britain – the result of a common sentiment? Yemi shares his observations of a growing feeling of disempowerment around the globe, a frustration from people feeling unheard. If that isn’t bad enough, Yemi shares his sense of despair …
Les chansons interdites qui dérangeaient les pouvoirs en place | CHLOE & BAPTISTE BIERI | TEDxGeneva
Discover forbidden songs because they disturbed the powers in place. Who said that music and art are only there to entertain us? Did you know that many songs were banned at the time because they disturbed the powers in place. Between musette and swing, Chloé and Baptiste Bieri make us discover songs that, each in their own way, were sources …
L’histoire en images de l’homme qui a cherché les origines de notre monde végétal | MARIO DEL CURTO | TEDxGeneva
In his long-term photographic explorations, Mario del Curto shows us the links that unite us to the plant world. In particular, he introduces us to the work of Nikolai Lavilov at the beginning of the 20th century, which needs to be shared: this Russian agronomist has identified the origins of the vast majority of cultivated plants. Without moral or categories, …
Le pont entre citoyens et politiques | DELPHINE BACHMANN | TEDxGeneva
The relationship between citizens and politicians is very complex. A bridge between the two of them has been building over the years, leading up to a new form of government, a parliament that collaborates with the people more than ever before. Delphine’s talk will illustrate the impact and the power a citizen has in our politics and in creating our …