Social IN3 Technology, Science and Social

TEDx GenevaBlog, Partners

Technology, Science and Social with the Information Age

Researchers’ cooperative corporation social-IN3 was founded by experts convinced by the new challenge of the Information Age at XXIst century, which will modify our whole Society.
Change is happening now, right under our eyes!

We are involved into that change as actors and subjects. Our group of initiator has informally been dealing with those questions and amongst other been publishing about it, for more than 15 years, with the support of academic structures. More than 3 000 pages on that subject have been issued on the Internet or in printed material.

In 2012 we became conscious that we needed to adopt a corporate structure to foster this theme. We agreed to found a private structure, a think tank which links us to the highest level of Technology, Science and Society within the Information Age. Perhaps we will share our beliefs with other actors and partners … Including You?

We are delighted to collaborate and cooperate with other stakeholders to elaborate concrete activities around WSIS Forum 2016, the starting point of a new decade of innovations in inclusive and sustainable ways integrating a variety of diversities.

We strongly wish to contribute to promote emerging concrete experiments for the first years of a fascinating 2016-2025 period with its numerous evolving technologies to come and new challenges to tackle. If social-IN3 can facilitate these perspectives “in a New Horizons flavour”, we consider fulfilling our role.

Raymond Morel

Chairman of social-IN3,
Swiss delegate at the IFIP GA,
Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences,
General Secretary of Ingénieurs du Monde