by Daniela Antonio
In a way, “Rethinking Power” is rethinking privilege and social order; how one fits the whole. Is there power in being different? “Rethinking power” might thus be rethinking our place in the social systems of the work, or rethinking equality and diversity. On May 15th, Caroline headed to the stunning city of Morges to join the opening of the cinema room at OurPlace, with a broadcast of TED and TEDx Talks on “Egalité et Diversité”.

In three great talks, Our Place invited participants to reflect on the expectations of the feminist movement with Roxane Gay, who advocates tolerance for all sides of the movement; on the value of speaking your mind, like Luvvie Ajayi; and on the value and issues of globalisation, which allows us to contact with all kind of cultures and walks of life, with comedian Maz Jobrani. Why not take a look at their talks?
OurPlace aims to be a series of coworking spaces in Switzerland, with the goal of becoming an inspiring space for innovation and exchange… perhaps of ideas worth sharing. Project manager Ashleigh Bell hosted the TED broadcast session, with Caroline as a special guest. In an intimate session for members of OurPlace, Caroline presented TEDxGeneva, introduced the theme of our next edition and explained how a TEDxGeneva event gets to the stage.
In Caroline’s words: “TED and TEDx are far more than talks on video. It is a true journey, with our team, our speakers… and our audience. The people we meet and get to know here and there. Most of the time, as soon as I start to explain TEDxGeneva, people are curious to know more about it. In the cosy cinema room at OurPlace, we had time for a great discussion.”