The usual Foound set welcomed our assistants’ coaches at the end of May, for an introduction to the role TEDxGeneva assistant coach. Aside from a more formal debrief on roles and responsibilities, the kick-off meeting is also an opportunity for assistants’ coaches to get to know each other and the TEDxGeneva team.
In the cosy vintage cinema of Foound, Michael Loureiro, TEDxGeneva Assistants’ Coaches Coordinator, facilitated the ice-breaking activities, tutored assistants’ coaches on their responsibilities, and properly welcomed this edition’s incredible set of volunteers: some are newcomers, some seasoned veterans of the TEDxGeneva stage, but all will be a key piece for our “Rethinking Power” edition on November 3rd, 2019.
“All the volunteers were super-motivated to learn more about TEDxGeneva and the role of assistant coaches,” said Michael. “Those who are volunteering for the first time appreciated gathering feedback from the more experienced assistants coaches.” The next step would be to meet their assigned speaker in June.
The role of an assistant coach is to review the presentations of the speaker assigned to them, follow-up with their speakers on comments from Curation team and Audience Committee and assisting their speakers with rehearsals, and provide regular updates to Michael on the speaker evolution. They are a fundamental part of the TEDxGeneva process, of utmost importance in making the speakers’ journey a positive and constructive experience, and a huge support to speakers, some of whom never faced a TEDx audience.
“Assistant coaches help TEDxGeneva speakers prepare the content of their talk, rehearse, and support the continuous improvement of the speaker. Being a speaker’s assistant coach is an engaging journey for all of us, all the more special due to the closeness to our speakers,” said Caroline, TEDxGeneva Communication Coordinator and Assistant Coach.
For “Rethinking Power”, our assistant coaches have been chosen…

…but why not volunteer for next edition’s? We will look forward to your participation!