Can politics be done differently and generate massive impact ? Antanas Mockus says yes, and draws for us his “social urbanism” experience. He shares why and how he has been showering on live television to demonstrate how to save water, been dressing up as a “supercitizen” to inspire his people to care about the environment, thus bringing insights into .
Antanas Mockus was twice mayor of Bogota, Colombia and Dean of the University of Colombia. Although his accomplishments include cutting homicide rates by 70% and traffic fatalities by more than 50%, it was his methods, inspired from his days as a mathematics professor, that generated a new style of politics. In his attempts to change the mindset and behaviors of his citizens he became known for his social experiments to improve the city and has lectured all over the world on how to focus on changing the hearts and minds of the masses. His secret: don’t preach, don’t punish, use artistically creative strategies to empower individuals and create disapproval within communities of unacceptable behaviors.