The best synthetizer is… the human voice ! | Mal Webb | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2017 – Future Crossroads

Exploring the vast sonic possibilities of your voice opens a door to communicative and expressive power way beyond language. In this talk, you’ll hear and see how to developp your our own abilities to flap, vibrate, resonate… and you might never be bored again. Mal Webb, Bachelor of Education in Music, is a composer, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumental peformer, whose broad …

Smart city inspired by art and pedagogy | Antanas Mockus | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2017 – Future Crossroads

Can politics be done differently and generate massive impact ? Antanas Mockus says yes, and draws for us his “social urbanism” experience. He shares why and how he has been showering on live television to demonstrate how to save water, been dressing up as a “supercitizen” to inspire his people to care about the environment, thus bringing insights into . …

The hidden power of auditing | Stanislas Zuin | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2017 – Future Crossroads

How citizen can change the cultural state of mind of public leaders through increased accountability and use of auditors as counterpower. This is the talk and life of Stanislas ZUIN, President of the Court in Geneva. Stanislas holds master degrees in both economics and economic crime investigation, as well as a certificate in development studies. Throughout his career he has worked …

Slow Fashion – Food for Thought ? | Xenya Cherny-Scanlon | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2017 – Future Crossroads

In this age of ‘fast fashion’, we have become voracious consumers of clothes — with disastrous consequences for our planet and the people. Yet each of us can become a fashion revolutionary — by slowing down. Known among friends as the ‘environmentalist in stilettos’, Xenya Cherny-Scanlon has worked with the United Nations and major international organizations across three continents — …

Let’s include Conflicts in our plans! | Gabriel Siqueira | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2017 – Future Crossroads

To be in a relationship means we’ll face conflicts eventually. Instead of denying, avoiding or managing conflicts afterwards, tensions could be part of the relational ecosystem we build everyday in our social and professional life. Gabriel Siqueira has always been intrigued by how to collaborate for a sustainable future. He started studying management because he wanted to find a way …

Peer Me Dignity | Monique Morrow | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2017 – Future Crossroads

Monique is President and Co-Founder of the Humanized Internet, a non-profit organization focused on providing digital identity for those individualsmost underserved, blockchain is certainly a potential mechanism for this billion people challenge. She was former Cisco CTO New Forntiers Engineering. Her greatest success has been in infusing a big-picture perspective that helps engineers and business leaders understand how existing and …

Coping with Robots | Manfred Ritschard | TEDxGeneva

TEDx Geneva2017 – Future Crossroads

“Ten years ago I did not care about robots, today I have to. Because they will replace the jobs of many people I work for within ten years…” Manfred Ritschard will share his thoughts about how we humans will overcome Artificial Friendlyness of intelligent robots. Manfred Ritschard supports companies and their staff for competent customer communications and applied sales psychology. …