The relationship between citizens and politicians is very complex. A bridge between the two of them has been building over the years, leading up to a new form of government, a parliament that collaborates with the people more than ever before. Delphine’s talk will illustrate the impact and the power a citizen has in our politics and in creating our …
Le crime à l’épreuve des traces numériques | DAVID BILLARD | TEDxGeneva
Digital traces are omnipresent in the present criminal investigations. These include messages, photos, videos found in our cell phones or computers. However, can we say that these traces completely replace fingerprints or DNA samples? Are they complementary and in this case, what is their added value? In reality, these traces provide a dispassionate view of the course of a crime, …
How to design cities to empower youth | ELISABETH BELPAIRE | TEDxGeneva
In her urban planning and engineering architecture studies Elisabeth learnt very little about youth development and terms like inequity. From working experiences in different countries and cultures, she fully realized how the city environment impacts the wellbeing of its citizens. Youth and their wellbeing too often fall through the cracks of city planning and management. Today we live in an …
Etre consommateur ou contributeur au bien commun ? | YANNICK LAIGNEL | TEDxGeneva
Here is how we combined the mechanisms of facilitation in collective intelligence, contribution economics and participatory democracy to create Solucracy, an open source method to foster a dynamic of collaboration in the territories that takes care of the social fabric and which transforms the needs of the inhabitants into solutions. We have tested this method in the village of Léaz, …
How to avoid the next financial crisis? | MICHEL GIRARDIN | TEDxGeneva
Over the last 6 centuries, financial crises occur for almost always the same reason: we increase our debts to unsustainable levels, be it in the government, corporate or households sectors. The problem is that no financial institution is willing to tackle credit bubbles before they burst into severe recessions. Central Banks are only ready to intervene once financial crises take …
My Digital School of Life | ANASTASIIA-LEI YANG | TEDxGeneva
Digitalization is heavily impacting our society. We are at a time when information in abundance is impacting and disrupting the way we learn. How do you imagine the perfect education? Is the traditional learning system good enough? Anastasiia-Lei chose to reshape her education and embrace digitalization to create her school of life: self-education through TED. She stands here today, to …
Celebrating disability As part of human diversity | CATALINA DEVANDAS AGUILAR | TEDxGeneva
A life-long human rights activist, Catalina Devandas became the first United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities in 2014. In her talk, Catalina will share important lessons she learned about the barriers that she, together with millions of other persons with disabilities face in their lives. She explains how the most difficult barriers are not those …
Il est plus facile d’imaginer la fin du monde que la fin du capitalisme | Jean Ziegler | TEDxGeneva
Infatiguablement, Jean Ziegler nous rappelle des évidences qu’il constate. Rapporteur spécial du Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies. Sources de la faim dans le monde. Inégalités qui tuent. Oligarchies aux pouvoirs excessifs. Dictature des milliardaires. Profit à tout prix. Ordre cannibal. Idéologie de la main invisible du marché. Il nous montre que c’est l’homme qui fait l’histoire, et …
Pressons le jus d’orange ! | Loïc Frei | TEDxGeneva
T’as pas envie de te battre ?! T’as peur, c’est ça ?! La recette du succès n’est pas unique et irréversible, toutefois, une chose est sûre, il faut presser le jus d’orange, pour mettre toutes les chances de ton côté! En étant porté sur l’effort, la volonté de provoquer un changement positif à partir de ton engagement, les fruits de …
L’optimisme de culture, une énergie d’avenir | Nathalie Ducrot | TEDxGeneva
Au-delà de nouvelles idées, notre avenir dépend aussi de la gestion de notre énergie. Les sciences humaines et diverses recherches considèrent l’optimisme comme une option prometteuse. Ce talk propose de découvrir les atouts d’un optimisme cultivé avec quelques méthodes pour soi et à plus grande échelle afin d’agir comme une contamination positive. Au niveau individuel, il s’agit d’une panoplie de …