Pierre Février-Vincent: Cheval de trot, le manager du 21e siècle ?

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Et si gérer une équipe en entreprise comportait les mêmes challenges qu’un jockey/driver avec ses chevaux de courses? Tous doivent maintenir la performance de leurs « poulains » tout en manageant leur stress, sans tomber dans les travers de la performance artificielle. S’inspirer de la gestion des équidés permet, selon Pierre Février-Vincent, de résoudre l’incohérence, si ce n’est l’absurdité, de …

Samia Tawil: Freedom is now

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

In this emotional and moving talk, Samia Tawil shares her personal experience of becoming an independent hybrid artist, going beyond the established codes of the music industry. Insisting on the need to remain true to oneself, she shares her views on the link between art and social and political commitment, and the significance of what being an artist is to …

Claude Béglé: L’audace de l’humanisme

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Ayant voyagé et travaillé dans plus d’une centaine de pays, Claude Béglé est un témoin privilégié de notre monde en pleine mutation. Ayant eu la chance d’observer ce phénomène à travers divers prismes — celui des multinationales comme des institutions caritatives, à la fois au plan politique, économique, sociétal et philosophique –, il nous partage sa vision d’une globalisation à …

James Devine: Crowdfunding a particle detector

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

This amazing engineer explains how we are continuously bombarded by radiation from space. He shares his idea of developing an open source networked detector for these cosmic rays, creating a massive cosmic ray telescope and empowering citizens to take part in the scientific process. Inspired by a TED talk, James Devine started the CosmicPi project to design and build a …

Jos de Blok: Healthcare, humanity above bureaucracy

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

In his TEDxTalk a nurse presents how he helps simplifying organizational structures in healthcare. He explains how he succeeded in encouraging trust, while integrating simplification offers a great deal more for society than bureaucratic and pyramidal organizations, making daily work more meaningful and sustainable. Jos de Blok received the 2014 RSA Albert Medal for his work as founder of Buurtzorg, …

Michel Milinkovitch: crossing scientific disciplines for uncovering the beauty of biological complexity

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Michel Milinkovitch tells us why the artificial separation of scientific disciplines can obstruct scientific discovery and how the integration of computer science, mathematical concepts and physical processes in the analysis of biological questions can improve our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms generating the awe-inspiring complexity and diversity of Life. Michel Milinkovitch is professor of genetics, evolution and biophysics at the …

Timothy Connerton: The language of leadership

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Why should we use the word “challenge” instead of “problem”? Tim shares his experience in using key words for communicating to inspire and empower others for cooperation in daily life. He shows that leadership language can create, demonstrate and motivate organizational cultures for positive attitudes, trust, respect and accountability. Timothy Connerton has been a corporate executive running global businesses and …

Corine Mermillod: Reconstruire dans l’urgence après une catastrophe

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Afghanistan, mars 2003. Après la guerre, les réfugiés rentrent au pays. Mais un fort tremblement de terre détruit des villages entiers. Comment reconstruire dans l’urgence, avec des conditions aussi difficiles, et de plus, dans des budgets extrêmement limités? C’est le défi qu’a relevé Corine Mermillod, qui partage comment elle a réussi à mobiliser le meilleur des personnes pour les aider …

Kosha Joubert: Ecovillage Living – A new source of hope

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

In this largely illustrated talk, Kosha Joubert shares how community-led regeneration can become a source of solutions for today’s societal challenges. Kosha takes us on a journey around the globe to discover ecovillages, envisioning a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing their own pathways to a sustainable future, and building bridges of hope and international solidarity. Kosha …

Susan George: Power at stake

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Susan George speaks about why and how has spent the last several decades working for the common good, studying the rich to serve the poor, writing seventeen books and sharing her philosophy and scientific research on power. She helps us to decode the societal challenges at stake in a globalized, deeply flawed world. Susan George is a Franco-American political and …