Spread the spirit of TEDxGeneva and win one of five tickets

TEDx GenevaBlog, News

To help us spread the TEDxGeneva spirit and have a chance to win a free tickets. Here is what you have to do:

  • Make sure you follow @TEDxGeneva on Twitter and TEDxGeneva on Linkedin and like us on Facebook
  • Share this post on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook making sure you use the hashtag #TEDxGeneva and mention Ynternet.org
  • Subscribe to the mailing list via the form on the left of this page

Be creative with your posts and tweets. The more you share the better your chances are. We’ll be announcing the winners 2 weeks before the event.

The tickets are kindly offered by Ynternet.org foundation


  • Tickets are non-transferable and personal
  • You must have a public twitter profile and make public your posts for this contest on Facebook and Linkedin
  • Winners must be able to attend TEDxGeneva the 16th of April 2015
  • This offer does not include accommodation, travel, insurance or anything but the ticket
  • Winners will be announced on Twitter  2 weeks before the event

Good luck!