Richard Stallman: Free software, free society

TEDx Geneva2014 - Freedom @ Digital Age

It is the first TEDx talk of the founder of Free Software movement. Stallman, RMS for short, has changed the world with his vision of freedom for the digital age. He launched the GNU operating system, used with Linux as a component, and inspired the development of Creative Commons licences and Wikipedia project. In this talk, Stallman describes how nonfree …

Matteo Mazzeri: Why I need net neutrality

TEDx Geneva2014 - Freedom @ Digital Age

Matteo Mazzeri, a digital native before the term existed, has been participating in the evolution of technology as a developer and a facilitator. He has this rare quality of a profound understanding of technology and how it can be applied to serve people. Fluently speaking five languages he knows how to translate and make accessible to people and businesses technological …

Virginie Tulik: Produits de nettoyage faits maison

TEDx Geneva2014 - Freedom @ Digital Age

Vous avez sûrement déjà fait vous-même un gâteau à la maison, mais avez-vous déjà fait des produits de nettoyage maison ? C’est possible. Virgine Tulik nous présente comment se libérer des produits toxiques en fabriquant soi-même les produits pour la lessive, la vaisselle et pour déboucher l’évier. Durée: 8’30