Michaelle De Cock is a senior researcher for the ILO on labor conditions of migrant workers, children and workers in “slave-like” conditions and a field activist on women and children rights in India for Terre des Hommes Genève. At a crossroads of science and human rights, she believes that solid research and statistics can help breaking the prejudices and understanding …
Marina Rollman (1/2): Alors mademoiselle, souriez!
Kid, Marina Rollman wanted to be a baker with mustache. She has found better, she has become a kind of therapist, without medical, pills or white coat, she keeps our feet on the ground with her humor and comedy. With this small introduction, Marina reminds us that there is more to women and men that our usual gender conversation. We …
Ariane Dumont: Innovons… Flip teachons!
Durée: 12’26
Marina Rollman (2/2): Never, never give up!
Duration: 8’13 First part
Edmée Fleury: Synergic music
Profile: artist and trainer on creative and synergic vocals. Après avoir parcouru la scène depuis une quinzaine d’années comme chanteuse au sein du trio NØRN ou dans des projets musicaux allant de la musique expérimentales à la chanson en passant par le Jazz, Edmée Fleury vous proposera de partager son expérience créative. Dans sa musique libre, chaque son est générateur …
David Jensen: Are United Nations united?
David Jensen heads the Environmental Cooperation for Peacebuilding programme of the UN Environment Programme. His portfolio of work focuses on how natural resources contribute to conflict, as well as how they can be managed in ways that create jobs, sustain livelihoods, and contribute to economic recovery and peacebuilding, without creating new grievances or significant environmental degradation. He has worked on …